30 Jul Six Tips for Winning your Social Security Disability Claim
The process of applying for Social Security Disability benefits can be difficult, especially upon notice of denial. Unfortunately, this scenario is all too common. It is estimated that 80% of claimants are denied at the initial level. While there are several causes of denial, most of these can be corrected. Even better, there are steps that one can take to prevent such causes for denial in total. Below are 6 tips that, if followed, will help garner a successful decision.
File a Claim as Soon as Possible
There are two primary reasons for this. First, the Social Security Administration (SSA) has a work requirement that one must meet to be eligible for disability benefits. An individual must have worked 5 of the past 10 years at a job that paid into Social Security to qualify. If this work requirement is no longer met, the claim will result in automatic denial. Second, the process of applying for Social Security Disability benefits can be quite lengthy. The appeals process can take years before a final decision is made. This wait time often results in financial hardships for claimants due to lack of income, specifically if he/she had been out of work for years before applying. The sooner you apply, the sooner you may receive benefits.
Hire an Attorney
Reports show that a claimant who has attorney representation is 50% more likely to win his/her disability claim. Why is this? Disability Attorneys and Advocates will ensure the application is completely and accurately filled in. They will request all medical records on behalf of the client, as well as collect any additional evidence. If an appeal is needed, an attorney will file this immediately. They will not only prepare all documents, but, will prepare the client for the hearing. Ultimately, Attorneys have the professional skills needed to win a Social Security Disability claim.
Keep Thorough Documentation
This cannot be overstated. It is extremely important for a claimant to keep thorough documentation of their medical and work history. One of the primary causes of denial at the initial level is an incomplete application. You can eliminate this risk by preparing documents before applying.

Continually See a Doctor
It is critical that claimants see a doctor not once, but continually over the course of their disability. The Social Security Disability application rests almost entirely on the presentation of medical evidence. If there is no proof, there is no approval. Seeking continuous care from a physician will guarantee that your medical conditions are well documented. Furthermore, this will ensure that the physician has a thorough understanding of your condition and its debilitating effects. The doctor will then be able to testify on your behalf.
The most important reason for continually seeing a doctor is this; continuous treatment will validate your disability. If a claimant does not visit the doctor on a regular basis, the Social Security Administration may find the disability to be inadequate. After all, if the medical condition does not warrant medical attention, why would it warrant disability benefits?
Follow the Doctors Prescribed Treatment Plan
Following the doctors prescribed treatment plan is another step one should take to improve the chance of winning a disability claim. This will first prove that your medical condition(s) is serious enough to require treatment. Beyond that, it will show the SSA that you are actively working to improve your condition to the best of your ability. Failure to comply to a doctor’s prescribed treatment plan may lead to denial.
Be Prompt and Cordial
To make the process of applying for Social Security Disability as quick and as straightforward as possible, a claimant must be prompt and cordial. The SSA may follow up after your submission of the initial application regarding further steps. You may need submit more documents, provide access to your medical records, or attend a consultative exam. Complying with these requests in a prompt manner will keep the process moving smoothly. A total failure to do so will result in denial.